Improvement Through Movement
Improvement Through Movement
In 2018 Dr. Gustafson began offering an exercise program for individuals with early stage Parkinson's Disease. In 2019 we now offer the program to those with early stage dementia. Dr. Gustafson was trained at the premier exercise training facility for Parkinson's Disease located in the United States. The training method uses many of the same training methods a boxer might use in preparation for competition. Be assured that the clients do not beat up on one another! It is a non-contact method of training that takes advantage of high-intensity interval training as a part of the method.
Some neuroprotective programs have a limited emphasis with respect to activity, e.g., high-intensity interval training. High-intensity interval training is good for stimulating the production of brain derived neural growth factor (BDNF). BDNF is important in neuroprotection, neurogenesis and synaptogenesis. Limiting a client’s exposure to a particular type of training, while beneficial, produces limited results. At RPG Kinesiotherapy our clients are provided a multi-domain program which provides a high level of variation of activity.
Our program includes:
High-intensity interval training
Cardiorespiratory training
Resistance training
Balance training
Cognitive-motor dual-task training
Closed Skill training
Open skill training
A program which maximizes variation also stimulates the production of nerve growth factor (NGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and insulin growth factor -1 (IGF-1). NGF assists with growth, maintenance and proliferation. VEGR assists with angiogenesis and neurogenesis. IGF-1 assists with cell survival, neurogenesis and neuroprotection.
If you are interested in taking advantage of the program described above please contact us at your earliest convenience.
Each client must obtain a referral from a physician, physician's assistant or nurse practitioner. Were are currently accepting Parkinson's clients with a Hoehn & Yahr classification of 1 or 2.
We are currently accepting clients with dementia who are at or below 3 on the Global Deterioration Scale for Assessment of Primary Degenerative Dementia. The key to acceptance centers around activities of daily living (ADLs). If the prospective client can independently handle all ADLs he/she would be a candidate for our program. If assistance is needed with ADLs he/she wold not be a candidate. If one is not a candidate we can recommend an alternative for exercise programming.
Once an individual receives his/her referral a consultation will be scheduled. At the consultation a series of pre-participation tests are administered to establish a baseline and a consent form will be completed. A start date will be established for the client. Classes are offered two days per week.
Each client will need to have his/her own set of boxing gloves and gel-wrap gloves prior to participation. However, the client should wait until after the initial consultation before purchasing these items; Dr. Gustafson will make specific recommendations regarding the specifications for these items.
Clients may pay each time they attend a class at the rate of $15/class. Before beginning a class, each client receives a pre-participation and follow-up evaluation at a non-refundable rate of $25 for each evaluation.
Clients may also purchase 10 sessions in advance for $99. The pre-participation evaluation is included in the 10-session package. The client is eligible for a follow-up evaluation with each 10-session package purchased, however re-evaluation is recommended at 4-6 month intervals.
Currently RPG Kinesiotherapy will only conduct one-on-one training sessions.
Q: This is all new to me. How can I know what it is like?
A: Contact Dr. Gustafson and he can provide an opportunity to observe some of the activities.
Q: It's been a long time sine I've participated in any type of exercise.
A: KWe start with your current ability level in mind. We ask for, and expect, feedback from our clients throughout each class. When the client needs a break, one is provided. No client will be asked to do anything he/she feels is not safe.